
The opinions presented in this blog are my own and may not necessarily reflect those of the Peace Corps

Sunday, May 29, 2011

My Assignment

Well over a year ago I went to the Peace Corps website and clicked on "start your application process."  A couple months ago I was given my mission: "To improve the water quality of a rural community in Mali."

Mali is located in Western Africa.  The Sahara dominates half the country, but most the population lives in the country's Sahel (transition zone between Africa's Sahara desert and tropics) region further south.  I don't need to weigh this post down with too many facts about Mali since you can do that on your own, but there are a few that should be noted:
-Mali is 90% Muslim
-Despite being relatively stable politically, Mali is among the poorest countries in the world, with extremely low literacy rates, life expectancies, and high infant mortality rates
-Its hot there
-The Peace Corps has been in Mali since the early seventies
-Bambara is the most used language (though 40+ languages exist)
-Many individuals speak French (Guess what country Mali once belonged to)
-Its really really hot there

I can't describe what my work is exactly until I am there.  I try to imagine myself in an African village digging wells with the locals, but I have a feeling that the vision isn't very accurate.

The first nine weeks in Mali will be spent near the capital, training to be a Water Sanitation volunteer.  This is good since I have no freaking idea how to dig a well.  Or filter water, or speak Bambara, or not get sick, or survive in any way shape or form.  How did I even get accepted?  I am not doubting myself, I just don't see how a geography student with minimal construction experience is expected to bring clean water to an African village.


  1. Good luck, Matt! The fact that you are thinking about how much you don't know means that you will do a great job and are ready to learn how to do what you need to.

    I'm excited for you, too, and look forward to hearing about your experiences over the next two plus years!

    ~(your cousin) Chloe
